Weʼre raising £5,000 to support vulnerable women & girls

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January 19, 2021 @ 8:00 am - January 19, 2021 @ 5:00 pm

Weʼre raising £5,000 to support vulnerable women & girls

Our vision is ‘to see a world where people are free from exploitation, and where those involved in sex work have the option to pursue genuine alternatives, free from constraints such as drug use, abusive relationships and poverty’   We do this through working to ensure routes out for women and girls in the following three areas:

Working with Women and girls

This is a package under Helping to Make a Difference (HMD) charity which is a registered charity in The Gambia serving humanity

This special package is design to end sexual exploitation by Creating Routes Out through working directly with women and girls in the sex industry.

We will offer a safe space to be heard, and a chance to talk with a peer counselor (someone who ‘gets it’). We don’t focus on the past; instead we help women and girls make a practical plan of achievable steps.
When someone is involved in sex work, reliable information and support can change their life. We journey with women and girls to understand their situation and help them identify and make informed choices available to them. We are there for women and girls as they take practical and manageable steps that lead to a genuine route out of sex work. We do this through:

Help-line is a free and confidential call back service for women and girls involved in sex work and want to explore possible alternatives for positive living. We offer a freephone telephone number (+220-3725666) for those who want help. We listen to women’s experiences, understanding the complex circumstances they face and guide through ongoing counseling for positive living. Livelihood skills and reintegration. We do this through:

1. Listening
2. Not Judging
3. Not bombarding her with advice
4. Protecting her confidentiality
5. Provision of livelihood skills and needs assistance

– Help-line is not a 24/7 crisis helpline.
Once a woman has been in touch, we’ll call her back to arrange a support call and a meeting. At present we work Monday-Thursday so any message left outside of this time will be replied to as soon as we can the following week. More information can also be found on our dedicated website at www.hmdwelfare.org.uk

– Door of Hope
The Door of Hope project offers hope, support and routes out of sex work for women and girls involved in sex work in The Gambia. Door of Hope’s specialist team will support women and girls through a combination of outreach and follow up support.

One aspect of Door of Hope’s Case Management Service is the co-ordination that recruit & gathers victims to develop and create a conducive environment where they will feel belong and create plans for the women and girls in high risk situations. More information, including referral forms will be used for optimal comprehensive and holistic support.

For more information please visit the hmdwelfare.org.uk website or contact the team on by hmdcharity@gmail.com or phone at +220-3725666

supporting women & girls